Connecting Singles
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Connecting Singles is our middle name. It is our passion and our commitment to all of you singles out there wanting to connect. As of February 2002, we have held, on average, 100 events a year to help in connecting singles just like you, through our speed dating events, singles minglers and boat cruises. We're happy to say we've been quite successful at it as well. We have had many marriages and engagements as well as many people happily living together and others just enjoying the dating life. Hey, we've been so good at it, that one of the two co-founders actually ended up meeting her love at one of our own speed dating events! If that doesn't say something! [google_ad] So we are confident when we say that when it comes to connecting singles, we are really good at it! You know when you are passionate about something it shows. If you haven't tried speed dating yet, or if you have tried other speed dating companies, it is about time you join us for one of our parties and see what all the fuss is about. There is a good reason why we have been covered on just about every TV station (including CNN!) and been featured in numerous local and national magazines (including Readers Digest!). Connecting singles is all we want to do so let us do it for you. All you have to do to start is sign up for our free membership. Then look at the events we have scheduled and register for the one or the few that are right for you. We will keep on connecting singles and we look forward to seeing you soon.