Love & Sex Survey Vol. 2

total male: 46.50%

What is the longest relationship you have been in?
0 - 12 months  31.18%
1 - 5 years  32.26%
5 - 10 years  20.43%
10 - 20 years  12.9%
20+ years  3.23%
Have you ever had a one night stand?
yes  58.06%
no  41.94%
Have you ever dated outside your race?
yes  70.97%
no  29.03%
Would you ever date outside your race?
yes  94.62%
no  5.38%
What is the average amount of dates you go on before having sex with someone
1 date  5.38%
3 - 5 dates  66.67%
6 - 10 dates  22.58%
11+ dates  5.38%
How many dates have you gone on in the last year?
0 dates  11.83%
1 - 5 dates  46.24%
5 - 10 dates  25.81%
10+ dates  16.13%
If there was no chemistry on your first date, would you go on a second with that person?
yes  36.56%
no  63.44%
Would you kiss on a first date?
yes  82.8%
no  17.2%
Would you date someone who made less money than you?
yes  98.92%
no  1.08%
Would you date someone with children?
yes  68.82%
no  31.18%
Have you ever had a relationship with someone you met at a bar?
yes  45.16%
no  54.84%
Have you ever dated more than one person at a time?
yes  40.86%
no  59.14%
Do you believe in the 'soul mate' concept?
yes  70.97%
no  29.03%
Have you ever cheated on someone?
yes  31.18%
no  68.82%
Have you ever been cheated on?
yes  51.61%
no  48.39%
Have you ever been married?
yes  24.73%
no  75.27%
Do you want to get married?
yes  86.02%
no  13.98%
Do you want to have children?
yes  67.74%
no  32.26%
Does seeing couples at Valentines Day when you are single make you:
Hopeful  48.39%
Depressed  47.31%
Angry  4.3%
How many times have you been in love?
never  10.75%
once  15.05%
2 - 3 times  61.29%
4+ times  12.9%

total female: 53.50%

What is the longest relationship you have been in?
0 - 12 months  14.02%
1 - 5 years  41.12%
5 - 10 years  32.71%
10 - 20 years  10.28%
20+ years  1.87%
Have you ever had a one night stand?
yes  66.36%
no  33.64%
Have you ever dated outside your race?
yes  68.22%
no  31.78%
Would you ever date outside your race?
yes  86.92%
no  13.08%
What is the average amount of dates you go on before having sex with someone
1 date  2.8%
3 - 5 dates  59.81%
6 - 10 dates  23.36%
11+ dates  14.02%
How many dates have you gone on in the last year?
0 dates  12.15%
1 - 5 dates  45.79%
5 - 10 dates  23.36%
10+ dates  18.69%
If there was no chemistry on your first date, would you go on a second with that person?
yes  36.45%
no  63.55%
Would you kiss on a first date?
yes  79.44%
no  20.56%
Would you date someone who made less money than you?
yes  76.64%
no  23.36%
Would you date someone with children?
yes  72.9%
no  27.1%
Have you ever had a relationship with someone you met at a bar?
yes  58.88%
no  41.12%
Have you ever dated more than one person at a time?
yes  59.81%
no  40.19%
Do you believe in the 'soul mate' concept?
yes  85.05%
no  14.95%
Have you ever cheated on someone?
yes  34.58%
no  65.42%
Have you ever been cheated on?
yes  66.36%
no  33.64%
Have you ever been married?
yes  33.64%
no  66.36%
Do you want to get married?
yes  82.24%
no  17.76%
Do you want to have children?
yes  57.94%
no  42.06%
Does seeing couples at Valentines Day when you are single make you:
Hopeful  54.21%
Depressed  44.86%
Angry  0.93%
How many times have you been in love?
never  8.41%
once  22.43%
2 - 3 times  61.68%
4+ times  7.48%