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3 Nature-Inspired Activities That Can Strengthen Your Relationship

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3 Nature-Inspired Activities That Can Strengthen Your Relationship

If your relationship has been on the rocky side lately, it might be time to get out of your usual everyday routine with the kids and work and household chores and spend some quality time together in the great outdoors.

Men and women tend to connect in much different ways. While guys like getting out and doing things as a way of bonding, gals tend to prefer talking. By combining getting out in good old Mother Nature and enjoying an activity together with the chance to be alone and work together towards a common goal, you will probably return home with a renewed appreciation of your significant other.

As Cambridge Journals Online notes, engaging in some type of physical activity can also help to reduce stress and anxiety while also boosting our mood and general feeling of well-being. If things have been less-than-rosy lately between the two of you, the stress-busting properties of outdoor activities are a good thing. With this in mind, the following three ideas can help bring you closer together:


There’s nothing quite like a hike to help you feel closer to your special someone. In addition to being a great form of exercise, hiking can encourage a feeling of responsibility for each other. Use the smartphone app AllTrails to locate a hiking hotspot near your city or region. If the trail starts to get a bit steep, take the opportunity to encourage your partner. The calm and quiet of the surroundings can help you both to feel better, both mentally and physically. When you reach the summit of the mountain or the end of the hike, channel your inner teen and take a celebratory cheek-to-cheek “selfie” that you can print out when you get home and use as a reminder of your relaxing day together.


If you enjoy getting out into the woods, hunting can be a very therapeutic and outstanding way to bond with your spouse or significant other. Hunting together requires you to work as a team while also looking out for each other and your safety. Even if one of you is a better marksman than the other, just being together and helping out by watching for game is a great way to connect. If you or your sweetie have expired hunting licenses, be sure to get your required paperwork ready before heading out into the forest. Thanks to online hunter safety courses, the two of you can also study together and take your tests at the same time and earn your hunter licenses from the comfort of home.


When it comes to a terrific and fun way to work together and get outside, geocaching is a great hobby to pursue. As Active Outdoors notes, Geocaching involves getting coordinates for a hidden box and then using a handheld global positioning system or GPS to locate it. While some geocaches contain a small prize, most typically contain a log book that allows you to note the date and time when you found it. The online resource Geocaching is a great guide for couples who want to give the activity a try. You can work together to figure out the coordinates and find the hidden box, encourage each other as you head out to find it, and high-five one another once it has been located.
